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My take on Financial Planning

Dear Friends,

A decade ago when I(was 18) entered this world of financial planning, I never knew the power it posses, nor did I visioned then that how crucial it can be in one's life. It can be very helpful in achieving the financial short falls that an average middle class family gets trapped into every now and then.

Over the period of time, being practically working on the ground, I gained a deeper insight of it. All these years, I had approached many peoples, families and discussed financial planning with them. Imparting good understanding of financial products and making them choose the best to cater their needs has provided an extra edge to their investments in terms of returns. Diverting people from uncertain legacy savings habits to proper goal oriented investing habits has certainly made them realized the true benefit of financial planning. Today, when I sit with those families, watching them discussing their financial goals, planning for it, taking possible steps forward to achieve it, has certainly made me more proud and content. 

Being a part of a middle class family, I had myself grown up seeing all the financial hurdles, setbacks, either or compromises and many such things that holds us from fulfilling our financial goals. This very thought of being well prepared in advance, developing investment habits, taking advantage of the great businesses seems more effective and relevant. I strongly believe in its benefit and the differences it can make to construct strong financial base for middle class family. Witnessing the outcome of it, I am developing a strong passion about it, which I believe has only to increase with the years to come.

In recent past years, I had been actively involved in promoting financial planning and wealth creation. As I am growing along the journey, I am feeling this sense of responsibility to educate more and more people and make them smart investors to their benefits. I am arranging several investor awareness program as well, where I am addressing the mass and educating them. Writing this post is also a part of reaching out to the mass, where I can share information to the maximum.

If you think there is someone who is in need of financial planning(which I think we all are)  and needs to be educated about it, please share this post with them. You can directly email me from the contact me section(located in menu) of this page or in comment as well. I will make sure that I can reach out to you either in person or by voice and make you aware of it. I am pleased that you have read this post and since you are reading this, it shows that you are out of those smart people who takes their finance as a serious and important matter.

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Thank You!!!
